Furnace Repair Or Replacement? 5 Signs That Mean A Replacement Is The Better Way To Go
Are you trying to decide whether to repair or replace your furnace system? A significant investment like a new heating system shouldn’t be taken lightly. A furnace repair in Ft. Wayne, Indiana or any area replacement indecision requires that homeowners investigate their options to make the best possible choice.
In certain cases, a furnace repair can be the most cost-effective decision. But at some point, homeowners have to make the tough decision to replace their system. Here are five signs that it's time to buy a new furnace:
- Advancing age. The expected life span for a furnace averages 15 to 20 years, so if your system is nearing the end of its useful life, it's time to consider a replacement.
- Higher energy costs. As heating systems age, their energy efficiency often suffers, which causes energy bills to climb. However, even if your system is nearing just 10 years old, you could benefit from upgrading. That's because newer systems are able to reach much higher efficiency ratings, and, as a result, provide higher energy savings.
- The need for more frequent repairs. This is one of the best indicators that a replacement is in order. If your existing system has required multiple and costly repairs over the past few years, you’re probably better off putting any future repair money toward the cost of a new system instead. That new system will get better energy savings, too.
- Improved home comfort. Decreasing home comfort with every passing season is a good sign your furnace should be replaced.
- Maintenance factors. If your equipment hasn't received regular preventive maintenance over its lifetime, it’s probably using more energy than it should; regular tune-ups help maintain energy efficiency. More importantly, neglected equipment may be unsafe -- regular maintenance should include inspections and evaluations of how well your system vents carbon monoxide, a byproduct of combustion.
If your furnace isn’t meeting your expectations and you’re considering a furnace repair or replacement, contact your local HVAC professionals. Home Comfort Experts serves Northern Indiana and Southwest Michigan with a 100 percent-satisfaction guarantee.