
Furnace Replacement Looking Inevitable: Some Signs

You keep up with preventive maintenance, keep your HVAC system tuned up and cleaned and use your energy wisely to reduce the strain on your furnace. No matter how many steps you take to increase its life span, eventually furnace replacement will become inevitable. So how do you know when your current unit is just calling for a little attention or whether it’s finally time to invest in a new system? Home Comfort Experts has some signs that can help you identify if it’s time for furnace replacement.

According to industry professionals and Energy Star, an organization run by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, some signs that furnace replacement may be inevitable are:

  • Rooms that are always too cold or hot, which means your equipment may be failing, causing unbalanced air circulation and overall poor performance.
  • Skyrocketing heating bills.
  • High levels of dust. Too much dust in your home points to too much dust in your ducts and furnace. This dust circulates into the air flow, where it contributes to health problems and builds up on furniture.
  • Unbalanced humidity levels. Too much moisture indicates poor air circulation and possibly leaky ducts. It can also lead to mold problems, which can be a health hazard and cause damage to the home’s structure.
  • Frequent repairs. If you keep up with preventive maintenance twice a year and still have to call for service too many times between appointments, it may be a sign that your equipment is giving out.

Energy Star states that if your furnace is older than 15 years, it’s time to consider a new one. However, most systems will last longer if they receive regular, seasonal maintenance twice a year.

The best way to determine whether it’s time for furnace replacement is to have your system evaluated by a trained professional.

Call Home Comfort Experts if you suspect your furnace is failing. We’ll be happy to inspect your system and to provide repairs or replacements to keep you warm and comfortable through the winter!


Home Comfort services the Mishawaka/South Bend areas of Indiana.

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