Heat Not Working in Your House? Here’s What to Do
One of the best means of escaping the Midwest’s harsh winters is finding comfort in your home’s heating. Nothing quite beats it. What happens when you return home to find it’s as cold inside as it is outside? Your home’s heater not working properly is a severe inconvenience, especially when temperatures are at their lowest. Home Comfort Experts is here extend expertise in the event this happens in your home.
With expertise from Home Comfort Experts, not only will you understand some common reasons as to why your home’s heater is not working, you’ll walk away with furnace repair basics geared to restoring the warmth you cherish.
Reasons Why Your Heater Is Not Working
There are a variety of reasons as to why your home’s heater stopped working—some reasons are more common and easier to spot than others. Let’s run through the reasons your heater is not working or is lacking in heating performance.
1) Incorrect Thermostat Settings
One of the more simple causes is incorrect thermostat settings. Your home’s thermostat needs to be adjusted based on the season, even if it’s standard unit, programmable, or SMART version.
2) Issue With Power Source
Another potential reason for your heater not working is its power source. First, make sure the power switch on the heater is set to “on.” This goes for gas and electric heating systems.
3) Clogged or Dirty Air Filters
A heating system’s air filters that are either clogged or dirty can severely hinder heating capabilities or provide none at all. This is a common issue that can be prevented by scheduling routine maintenance.
4) Condensation Pan is Full
Your home’s heater not working could also be due to a full condensation pan. Much like other important components that make for a successful operation, a full condensation pan can cause a dip in heating performance or stop it altogether.
5) Motor is Overloaded
Too much dirt and debris in your heating system can cause the motor component to be overloaded and overheat. This can result in a full system shutdown. Start by turning off the system and give it around 30 minutes to cool and reset itself. If the first time doesn’t work, you can try one or two more times before calling it quits and seeking professional help.
If you have a furnace, you’ll need to inspect various components such as the blower motor, run capacitor, and control board. In the blower compartment, a flashing green light indicates the operation is running smoothly. If the light is red or not flashing at all, further inspection from an expert is needed.
The Basics of Furnace Repair
Here, we’ll look at tips for diagnosing and fixing common furnace issues known for affecting heating performance. Being located in the Midwest, it’s especially important for homeowners to at least have a basic knowledge of furnace repair to set them up for a comfortable winter season, year after year.
1) Inspect Thermostat
Make sure the thermostat isn’t set to “cool” and is on either “heat” or “automatic.” Set the thermostat to your desired heating level and wait a few minutes for the heater to kick in. If this didn’t fix the problem, it’s most likely due to one of the next set of issues.
2) Inspect the Breaker and Shut Off Switches
For homes with electric units, make sure the circuit breaker hasn’t been tripped. Then for gas units, make sure the system has enough fuel to run efficiently. One last measure to take if it’s due to the power source is checking if the gas control valve is set to “on.”
3) Change the Furnace Filter, if Necessary
If the furnace filter is dirty or clogged, change it. Furnace filters accumulate dirt and debris with continuous usage. Once enough debris is built up, heating performance typically takes a hit.
Furnace filters should be changed every one to three months either through furnace maintenance or on your own for efficient and free-flowing heating.
4) Make Sure the Gas Is Set to On
You’ll also want to make sure the gas control valve is set to “on.” Additionally, make sure the system currently has enough fuel to run efficiently. If your home uses a heat pump, Home Comfort Experts has the expertise and training to service these units as well.
5) Check Chimney Exhaust Flue for Blockages
Your home’s chimney exhaust flue radiates warmth, making it an attraction for animals like birds. It’s common for birds to fall into the chimney exhaust flue because of this.
To make sure the chimney exhaust flue is clear, turn the furnace off and the thermostat down. Then, dismantle the duct where it connects to the furnace and check for any debris or blockages. Whether there was an animal in there or not, make sure all parts are reassembled as they were before.
6) Flush Drain Lines
Inspect the system’s condensation pan and its drain line to see how full it is. If it is indeed full, you’ll need to drain the reservoir pain. Typically, heating systems come with a feature that automatically shuts off the system when the pan is full, letting you know it’s time to drain it. If this is the case, the system will reset and resume its normal operation.
After the condensation pan has been taken care of, move onto the condensation drainage line. There could be blockages. An HVAC professional from Home Comfort Experts can flush your home’s drain line for you.
7) Look for Blocked or Leaky Ducts
It’s also important no furniture, rugs, or other items are blocking vents and registers. This’ll prevent you from ever seeing the heating you think you’re getting. The same can occur when ductwork has damages, creating the opportunity for leaks.
Is a Broken Heater Dangerous?
If your home uses a gas furnace as a means of heating, a faulty unit can be potentially hazardous. A gas furnace with a cracked heat exchanger can release toxic combustion gases into the air of the home, making it unsafe to be in. This issue constitutes itself as a heating emergency, an issue Home Comfort Experts can respond to once the proper measures are taken.
If your home does have a gas furnace, you should be regularly checking the unit for cracks or any visible signs of damage.
Should I Contact Professionals?
Inspecting your home’s heating system can be difficult in some areas. One problem is that the ducts are located behind the walls of your home, making it nearly impossible for a homeowner without HVAC experience to inspect or service them. Additionally, HVAC specialists have the necessary training, knowledge, experience, and access to the best equipment and technology to successfully address any issues. For these reasons, it’s important to turn to Home Comfort Experts when you want the job done right.
Contact Home Comfort Experts When Your Heater Stops Working
When your heater stops working in Northern Indiana or Southwestern Michigan and you’re left without the heating you desperately need, turn to Home Comfort Experts. The team at Home Comfort Experts is ready to provide you with the necessary heating services to restore your home’s normal heating capabilities so the winter and its frigid temperatures can be an afterthought.
Contact us today and allow Home Comfort Experts to bring back the warmth and comfort your home needs.